Apply for research

To apply for research access, please...

  1. ...fill in the form below,
  2. Apply
  3. ...print the generated pdf document
  4. ...sign it, and mail it to the address staten in the docement


Name of applicant
Academic institution or affiliation:

E-mail Address:

Purpose of research, plans for publication, time frame, etc.

Academic research

Academic institution or affiliation:

Reference including name, title, address and telephone number (mandatory):

Other research or studies:

Research commissioned by (if applicable):

Co-researcher (if applicable):
Preliminary statement of publication plans for your research including time frame:

Relevant prior publications by applicant:

References including name, title, address and telephone number of 2 people (mandatory) having knowledge of the applicant’s present and/or prior research projects that are relevant to this application:

Materials needed:

If possible please state the materials you wish to access.
Vem har tillgång till arkivet?

Enligt Ingmar Bergmans gåvobrev får samlingarna ställas till förfogande för forskare och välrenommerade skribenter. För tillgång till Ingmar Bergmans Arkiv krävs en av Stiftelsen Ingmar Bergman godkänd Tillståndsansökan. Arkivmaterialet kan därpå studeras i Svenska Filminstitutets bibliotek. Inget material, ej heller kopior, får lämna biblioteket. Övriga bestämmelser framgår av Tillståndsansökan.
